2014년 10월 20일 월요일

Week 3 : Classical Argument

Eh.... While checking my blog, I could find that I missed to do the classical argument.....
So, I'll do it now.

Classical Argument Outline Example

1. The introduction, which warms up the audience, establishes goodwill and rapport with the readers, and announces the general theme or thesis of the argument.

- I will start my introduction by giving examples of SF movies and magicians since they are related to reading human mind. And then, I will introduce about developed methods for reading human mind and people's thought about them.(People are worrying about its effectiveness.) Lastly, I will end with my thesis, "The brain scanning is an effective way to pick out criminals."
2. The narration, which summarizes relevant background material, provides any information the audience needs to know about the environment and circumstances that produce the argument, and set up the stakes-what’s at risk in this question. In academic writing, this often takes the form of a literature review.
-  I have to provide information about what is brain scannig because brain scanning is the most important thing in my essay. Also, I have to provide information about what kind of methods are used in crime related area recently to compare them with brain scanning.
3. The confirmation,which lays out in a logical order (usually strongest to weakest or most obvious to most subtle) the claims that support the thesis, providing evidence for each claim.

- I will examine the strong points of brain scanning when it is compared to other methods that are used in crime related areas. Then, I will examine how brain scanning can pick out people who have possibility to recommit crime and studies that can prove it. Also, I will examine whether brain scanning can detect lie by investigating related studies.
4. The refutation and concession, which looks at opposing viewpoints to the writer’s claims, anticipating objections from the audience, and allowing as much of the opposing viewpoints as possible without weakening the thesis.

- Some will say that using brain scanning program  is too expensive to use for lie detecting. However, the cost of brain scanning techniques are falling down. So, brain scanning techniques for lie detecting are getting competitive.
5. The summation, which provides a strong conclusion, amplifying the force of the argument,  and showing the readers that this solution is the best at meeting the circumstances.

- I want to tell the readers what will happen when brain scans achieve recognition. It can be used as powerful evidence in trial and it gets easier to know whether the criminal is lying or not. Also, by picking out inmates who have high possibility to reoffend, we can protect another crime and accordingly the crime rate will decrease.

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