2014년 10월 24일 금요일

Week 8 : Confirmation

Week 8 Objectives - The Confirmation
1. What is my thesis?
Brain scanning(fMRI) is an effective way to pick out criminals.

 2. What types of source am I using to defend my thesis? 
I am using expert opinions, result of studies and article.

 3. Are my arguments mostly based on evidence, logic or emotion?
My arguments are mostly based on evidence because I will mostly use expert opinions and study results. There are no argument that is based on emotion but I think it doesn't really affect to my essay.

My Confirmation
   Since the efficiency of fMRI can be proved scientifically and scientific evidences are the most reliable evidences, my arguments are mostly based on scientific studies. I will suggest appropriate study results and expert opinions to support my argument.

   First, fMRI is an effective way to pick out criminals because it can find some people who have high possibility to reoffend according to Kent Kiehl, a neuroscientist at the non-profit Mind Research Netwok in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and his collaborators. they studied 96 male prisoners before they release. They scanned the criminals' brain by fMRI technique while the criminals solve tasks that demand quick decisions and inhibit impulsive reactions.The inmates were instructed to press a button whenever they saw the letter X but not to press a button when they saw the letter K. In this study, Kent Kiehl and his collaboraters focused on the activity of specific brain part named the anterior cingulate cortex(ACC). It is a small section in the front of the brain which perform motor control and excutive funtioning. According to the study result, men who had lower activity of ACC while solving tasks that demand quick dcisions and inihibit impulsive reactions were more likely to reoffend. Inmates with low ACC were twice as likey as inmates with high ACC to be rearrested for a offense withig 4 years of their release. Scientists even considered some factors like age, drug and alcohol abuse and psychopathic traits but the result was same.

  The fMRI technique can predict not only people who have possibility to reoffend but also people who lie. When people lie, specific parts of the brain get active and the blood rush to that part rapidly. By using fMRI technique, we can visualize the blood oxygeneation level and catch rapid changes that happen in 1~2 seconds. So, we can observe whether the criminals are lying or not. In 2001, a English doctor, Sean Spence studied to find brain part that gets active when people lie. He used recent episodic memory to investigate activated brain part and found that brain part is ventrolateral prefrontal cortices(VLPFC), which is in charge of inhibitory control. Spense said this brain part is activated when people lie because people try to suppress saying the truth. After Spense's study, many other studies about lie have been performed. Many studies had same results with Spense's and scientists found that the reaction speed get slower when people lie because lying is a specific task performance that suppress truth and slower and more difficult than saying the truth.

  Lastly, the difference between ordinary people's brains and criminals' brains can be distinguished by using brain scans. Scientists studied 21 people who have antisocial personality disorder, which many convicted criminals have. When scientists compared the brain scans of antisocial people with the brain scans of ordinary people, they could found that antisocial people's brains showed 18 percent reduction in the volume of the brain's mdidle frontal gyrus, and a 9 percent reduction in the volume of the orbital frontal gyrus. Also, according to the September 2009 Archivese of General Psychiatry, another scientific study compared psychopaths and non-psychopaths. The researchers could observe deformations in psychopaths' brain part called the amygdala. Also, the psychopaths showed a thinning of the outer layer of cortex and volume reduction of that brain part. According to researcher team member Adrain Raine, that brain part(Amygdala) is in charge of emotion. Since psychopaths have deformation of that part, they lack emotion such as empathy, remorse, and guilt. Like this, we can observe many helpful clues to pick out criminals.

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