2014년 10월 25일 토요일

Week 9 : Refutation and Concession

Week 9 Objectives - Refutation and Concession
Refutation and Concession Example
1. What is my thesi?
Brain scanning(fMRI) is an effective way to pick out criminals.
2. What is the opposite position?
Brain scanning is incomplete to be used to pick out criminals.
3. What arguments can I anticipate?
Using brain scanning for detecting lie is too expensive(The major cost of an fMRI experiment is the MR scanner itself. New 1.5 tesla scanners often cost between $1,000,000 USD and $1,500,000 USD. New 3.0 tesla scanners often cost between $2,000,000 and $2,300,000 USD. Construction of MRI suites can cost $500,000 USD) http://sevencounties.org/poc/view_doc.php?type=doc&id=8947&cn=18
There are always some exception so it can detect lie in error(some people could suppress their memory about crime.)
Dr. Michael Anderson's experiment http://www.psmag.com/science/brain-scan-lie-detectors-just-dont-work-59584/
4. How will I counter those arguments
According to expert opinion, the cost of brain scanning is keep going down and it is developing rapidly. So, the cost of brain scanning will get equal to the existing lie detecting techniques soon. Also, the existing lie detecting techniques also have exceptions and problems so brain scanning is not only thing that has possibility to detect lie in error. Also, since the technique of brain scanning is keep developing this problem will be solved.  About Dr, Michael Anderson's experiment, he already said that "not everyone was able to suppress their memories of the crime well enough to beat the system." It means that his study is not complete and there are exceptions.

My Refutation and Concession

There must be some people who will disagree about my argument because of the price of fMRI machine and some study examples. However, those reasons are incomplete and have many points that can be contradicted.
First of all, the opponents usually took the priceof fMRI machine as its weak point. According to them, an fMRI machine named New 1.5 Tesla Scanner often costs between $1,000,000  USD and $1,500,000 USD. Another fMRI machine named New 3.0 Tesla Scanner costs between $2,000,000 USD and $2,300,000 USD. It is true that the fMRI machines are expensive because $2,300,000 USD is more than 42times of Americans' average income. However, most of medical devices are expensive and when you consider the effectiveness and good points of fMRI, you can understand why it is not expensive. Compared to other brain scanning techniques, the fMRI machine has the most clear picture of  the brain. Also, it can obseve whole brain part and the change of brain activity.  Moreover, since people's interest in fMRI technique is very high, people try hard to develop the fMRI technique and accordingly, the fMRI technique is keep improving. So, the fMRI machine price will go down.
Another reason that the opponents took is the exceptions. They argue that the fMRI machine sometimes can't distinguish people who are lying. For example, psychologists in the University of Cambridge published new study about brain scanning and during the study(http://www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/people-can-beat-guilt-detection-tests-by-suppressing-incriminating-memories), they could find that some people can intentionally and voluntarily suppress their memories about crime. In their study, there were people who could manage to reduce their brain's cognition response and appear innocent but there were also some people who couldn't. Dr, Michael Anderson,  of the Medical Research Council Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit in Cambridge, said  “Clearly, more research is needed to identify why some people were much more effective than others.” According to him, we can know that this stu is incomplete and still leaves much to be desired because there are many exceptions. So, it is unreasonable for the opponents to took it as their reason to disagree about my argument.

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